Thursday, November 8, 2012

Day 63-64: Snow storm+ No Power= #Adventurein2012

Some cosmic force has a sense of humor. Whether you believe in a monotheistic religion, a polytheistic religion or are a spiritual person with no attachment to any religion I hope you have taken a moment today to look up and say "touche". I mean, if you live in any of the area's hit by Sandy all you can do at this point is laugh and say "Well played Mother Nature".


After 11 days with

  • no power
  • no heat
  • no hot water
  • taking showers at the YMCA
  • no laundry
You learn that every day is an adventure! Whether you want it to be or not...

I mean, take my day today. 
I treated myself to a long work out at the YMCA where I ran, biked, lifted and stretched for a total of 2 hours. After I showered, I went over to my favorite diner where I had bowl of hot soup, a side salad, bread and a bottomless cup of coffee. Then I attempted to go to the laundry mat to wash my work clothes for tomorrow. I come to find the ONE laundry mat I know does not take quarters. Yes, you heard me correctly, a laundry mat that does not take quarters. Instead you must approach a machine where you can purchase a money card and then fill it by inserting bills only. Now, what the machine does not inform you is that you have to first purchase the card for EXACTLY 1 dollar. Once it is purchased and in your possession, and only then, may you re-enter it into the machine and put money on it. No, you may not go to purchase a card with a $5 and expect the left over cash to then be converted onto the card. Nope. You can not do that. Trust the person who ONLY had a 5 dollar bill on her. That is severely frowned upon by this Laundry Mat and Laundry Mat Machine. 
Now, I am sitting at the Huntington Public Library (my home away from home for the time being) with two plays and Uta Hagen's Respect for Acting next to me waiting to be read. NPR is playing in my headphones as I blog and catch up on the world news. Adventure, I tell you, Adventure! 

If power does not return, tomorrow will be another adventure. Cheers!

One Day is Today!

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