Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 34: A Moment In Time...At The Green Shutters

5 Generations. 6 Intelligent Women. 2 hours of discussion over diner food...

On a cool October evening, a group of ladies sat down to have a nice dinner at The Green Shutters.  Four of the ladies were performers and two were cousins who had come to see the show.

Once the basic introductions had started the conversation just poured out. Stories about NYC after 9-11 and how Equity allowed their members to perform on the street for free to try and lure the tourists back. Or when Bill Clinton admitted to having relations with Monica. One of the lovely ladies was trying to return from Canada. She and her companions had missed the last ferry from Wolfe Island to the United States. Clearly upset, with tears in their eyes, because they had no where to sleep that night. The group walked into a local restaurant just as Bill Clinton was on the news admitting he lied. The Owner came up to them and said "Would you Americans like some ice cream on the house?".

I mean, story after story about which presidents they liked. Which presidents were "horn dogs" (as the wisest and eldest lady so eloquently described it). We discussed anything from the loss of the arts funding to Obama's Book (which I have not read yet, but it is now on my list!)

I mean, two hours flew by and I could not have been more invested and intrigued. I always associated political discussions with full on arguments. Why? I can not tell you. It is certainly not from my household because we all have similar views and would rather talk about family morals then politics. However, what I learned about life and about myself in these short two hours is that so often I shut out people or situations because it may not be pleasant. What I realize is that I am shutting out life and beauty. People have rough days and inconsequentially will get upset. Why run from problems or discussions which, as I now understand it, lead to solutions and compromise. Let yourself become intellectually invested into a conversation and, whether or not the outcome is agreeable , you will feel emotionally rewarded.

Just my coffee talk for the day!

I hope you are all out their having daily adventures.

One Day is Today!

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