Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 14: Overwhelmed? HELPFUL HINTS

Come On! Everyone has them. Those nights where everything seems to pile up at once and you can not, for the life of you, sort it so that it seems less overwhelming. Well, I have a fool proof guide to what works for me.

My routine: 

  1. TURN OFF YOUR CELLPHONE(Trying to focus on getting work done with people constantly texting you or Facebook notifications distracting you will not help you stay calm)
  2. Take a good old fashioned piece of paper and pencil and write out a schedule for the night in 40 min increments with 5 min breaks. 
  3. Pop a nice piece of chicken or start boiling water for pasta as you begin your first Activity. 
  4. TAKE YOUR 5 MIN Break to do something active. Pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, etc.(Check your dinner)
  5. When you schedule your night, make sure you put a reward at the end. For me, it involves a good movie and a glass of wine.
  6. Most importantly, if you put in the time, you will get everything done! I promise 

Tonight's routine: 
 40 minutes on each character with pushups during my 5 minute breaks. Reward is wine and Madagascar! 

One Day is Today

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