What is helping me do this? I had to come to terms with a few things:
- Baby Steps. You will not drop 10 lbs in one night (unless you cut off a leg). So accept the fact that this will take time and dedication.
- EVERY DAY COUNTS! You skip a day or overindulge too much; it will trigger a new pattern in your life. One that is not healthy. Keep your good mojo going!
- You have people in your life who will support you. And if you don't, than I will! ( We can be workout email buddies! )
The New Plan:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday- These are your golden days! You just have to do 45 min-1 hour of cardio on these days. Go for a bike ride or a run. Step on that elliptical and plug in those headphones on your lunch break to listen to the news. You can give yourself 45 min of you time! You deserve it!
45 min. Warm up for 5 (nice and easy). GET PUMPED! Do interval sprints for the next 35 min. For example, if you are running, increase speed in intervals. This will cause your heart rate to jump up. Last, COOL DOWN for 5. These cool downs restore your heart rate to its natural pattern.
Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday- YOU FEELING STRONG? These are your toning days! My routine starting off is
- Reps of 10 - biceps curls with 8 lb weights- 2 sets each arm. Alternating and not stopping is best!
- Sitting on a large exercise ball (to engage the core)- Reps of 10- Shoulder press- 8lbs.
- TRICEPS! Stand facing the exercise ball. Put one of the 8 lbs weights in your right hand. Place your right shin bone on the exercise ball. Lean forward so that your left hand is resting on the exercise ball and your torso is parallel to the ground. REPS of 10, Each arm 2 times.
- Take 5 lbs weights and stand with feet shoulder width apart. Raise both arms (so that the weight is parallel to the the floor) 45 degrees, then rotate the arms so that the weight is now parallel to the wall and lift to 50 degrees. Last pulse, rotate your arms upward so that the weight is parallel to the ceiling and bring it to 90 Degrees. Release. Repeat 10 times.
Now legs:
- 6 lb exercise ball. 25 squats.
- 6 lb exercise ball, 12 side lunges.
- 6 lb exercise ball 12 lunges front (both legs)
I am also taking advantage of my gyms sauna and steam room. I spend 20 min in the sauna( and if empty, I take some easy yoga poses to lengthen my spine and hamstring muscles) Then I spend 10 min in the steam room warming up my voice, realigning my spine and focusing on my breathing.
I know, I KNOW. I am a FOODIE like no ones business. But what I have come to terms with is that being a "foodie" means that you can make some amazingly tasty dishes and still be on your diet.
In my phones calendar I have 5 alarms set throughout the day. What times? What do I eat typically? These alarms are 3 hours apart and are my 5 small meals. I eat less then 400 cals a meal, but because I eat every 3 hours I am never that hungry
Finally, Here is today's Schedule:
- 7am Up and packing to go to the gym
- 7:30 am Grab and Apple and walk to gym
- 7:45-8:45 Workout
- 8:45-9:15 Sauna and Steam Room time. Ahhhhhh
- 9:15-9:45 Get ready for work
- 10 am START WORK
- 10:30 Snack: Protein Bar (with chocolate and peanut butter, oh yeah!) 200 Cals
- 1:30 Lunch(Tortilla wrap -110 cals, Chicken breast-90 cals, Sweet Peas- 60 cals, Hard Boiled Egg-70 cals)
- 2:30 Return to work
- 4:30 SNACK! Nutragrain Bar 120 cals
- 6:30 Work over
- 7:30 Dinner- 2oz of Pasta 200, Salmon 180
- Enjoy!
It's not that hard. These 5 meals help you not overindulge!
Best of Luck!
One Day is Today
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