Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 25: The Silver Anniversary! Fresh Start

The past month, I have hit brick wall after brick wall and when I thought I could finally stand up to it another one would hit. I know, we have all been there. A tough set of days, whether they be personal or professional, that seem to be never ending. What I find when I hit something like this is that I need to put myself into a pattern. An amazing suggestion given to me by my wonderful family. You find a great thing that is a part of your life and make sure it happens daily!

My great thing? My job. I have a wonderful job with a fantastic group of people around me! I could not ask for anything more. Lucky me, I get to see them at least once a day for a show (minus Sundays). It is the rest of my day I have to get into a routine. To help with that I have made a reward jar. For every work out I do, I place one dollar bill in my jar. That way, I will go to the gym and make it part of my routine AND in the end I can splurge and buy something fun! Or maybe save enough to go on a nice adventure. 

Here is my jar. Enjoy! 
One Day is Today!

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